Fields covered
- Machinery / electronics / semiconductors / measuring instruments / automobile
- Patents
- Legal and contracts / financial and economic / tax and accounting
- Environment / energy / nuclear power / electric power / space development
- Medical / pharmaceutical / biotechnology / chemicals
- IT / telecommunications / computers
- Construction / civil engineering
Document formats available
- Manuals / reports / presentation materials / research materials
- Contracts
- Websites
- Other business documentation
- Catalogs / specifications / company brochures
- Academic theses, letters, speeches
- Newspaper and magazine articles
※Please feel free to inquire about other document formats.
List of available languages
Translation from/into Japanese
- English
- Chinese
(simplified and traditional) - Korean
- German
- French
- Italian
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Thai
- Indonesian
- Vietnamese
※Other languages are also available.
Translation from/into English
- Chinese
(simplified and traditional) - Thai
- Korean
- Chinese
Western Europe
- Portuguese
(EU/South America) - French
- German
- Spanish
(EU/Latin America) - Dutch
- Italian
- Portuguese
Eastern Europe
- Russian
- Romanian
- Lithuanian
- Latvian
- Polish
- Bulgarian
- Hungarian
- Czech
- Slovakian
- Slovenian
- Croatian
- Serbian
- Ukrainian
- Estonian
- Greek
Northern Europe
- Finnish
- Norwegian
- Danish
- Swedish
Middle East
- Turkish
- Hebrew
- Arabic